Our Mission


Together, we enable education in the world’s poorest countries to create equal opportunity in the lives of all children.



Our Strategy for 2024-2025

We are deeply convinced, that focusing on quality education (SDG4) by financing & building schools serves as a catalyst for all other Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s), such as adressing poverty & hunger (SDG1 & 2), gender equality & reduced inequalities (SDG5 & 10) as well as peace, justice & strong institutions (SDG17).

πŸ‘‰ Raising awareness

Utilizing personal and professional networks, we leverage social media, fundraising programs, and partnerships to raise awareness about educational needs in underdeveloped countries

πŸ‘‰ Fundraising initiatives

We organize information events, seek contributions from our members and friends, and establish corporate sponsorships to generate funds for our initiatives.

πŸ‘‰ Zero management costs

We ensure 100% of donations go directly to specific school projects, covering internal costs like bank fees and website maintenance through membership fees.

πŸ‘‰ Membership growth

Our goal is to increase our membership base from approximately 120 (Jan.2024) to over 150.

πŸ‘‰ Corporate partnerships

We actively expand our corporate sponsorships to enhance support for our cause.

πŸ‘‰ Strategic partnerships

Usually working in partnership with buildOn in target countries, we select impact areas and communities to ensure impact efficiency, process compliance, integrity and sustainability.

πŸ‘‰ Gender equality focus

Prioritizing the empowerment of women, we ensure equal access to education for girls and boys.

πŸ‘‰ Community involvement

Embracing the "help to self-help" principle, local communities actively participate in planning, constructing, and operating the schools we support.

πŸ‘‰ Building lasting partnerships

We foster lasting connections between donors and communities through organized treks to impact regions, with all costs covered by participants.

πŸ‘‰ Targeted regions

Our 2024/25 focus is on providing access to education in Malawi and Senegal, with the flexibility to consider other countries based on major donor requests.

πŸ‘‰ Ambitious growth

By 2025 and beyond, we aim to be funding 10 or more schools annually, enabling around 1,500 more children to access education each year.

Quality education drives sustainable development


The impact of building schools

Addressing poverty

By providing access to quality education, we help lift communities out of poverty and create pathways to economic opportunity.

Promoting equality

Our schools are empowering girls and addressing gender disparities.

Fostering peace

Education is a powerful tool for promoting understanding, tolerance, and peaceful coexistence within communities.

Role of Education in SDG

πŸ‘‰ Breaking the cycle of poverty

Education equips individuals with knowledge, skills, and capabilities to improve their socioeconomic status and break the cycle of poverty

πŸ‘‰ Enhancing economic opportunities

Education is closely linked to economic growth and development, creating pathways to better livelihoods.

πŸ‘‰ Improving health and well-being

Education contributes to better health outcomes by promoting health literacy, hygiene practices, and access to healthcare services.

πŸ‘‰ Empowering rural communities

Education empowers rural communities by providing them with the knowledge and skills to identify and address food security challenges at the local level.

πŸ‘‰ Enhancing Agricultural Productivity

Education equips farmers with the knowledge and skills needed to adopt modern agricultural practices, including sustainable farming techniques, crop rotation, soil conservation methods, and pest management strategies.

πŸ‘‰ Addressing food waste and loss

Education plays a critical role in addressing food waste and loss by promoting awareness about efficient food storage, preservation techniques, and sustainable consumption patterns.

πŸ‘‰ Empowering education

Together, we enable education in the world's poorest countries to create equal opportunities for all children. By ensuring access to quality education, we empower every child to achieve their full potential.

πŸ‘‰ Empowering women and girls

Providing education and resources enables women and girls to make informed decisions, driving transformative changes in society.

πŸ‘‰ Reducing gender-based violence

Education challenges harmful norms, promoting respectful relationships and reducing gender-based violence in communities.

πŸ‘‰ Improving health outcomes through sexual and reproductive health education

Comprehensive sexual and reproductive health education improves decision-making, reduces health risks, and enhances overall well-being for women and girls.