Our next school in Malawi is just US$ 5,000 away

Our next school in Malawi is just US$ 5,000 away from becoming a reality, and we need your support to make it happen this year.

We are thrilled to announce that we have received a major contribution from a Swiss-based foundation, combined with donations from our dedicated members and friends throughout the year. Thanks to their generosity, we have already achieved over 80% of our goal for the next school in Malawi.

Now, we need YOUR help to raise the remaining US$ 5,000. Your contribution can make a significant impact on the lives of children in Malawi, offering them the gift of education and a brighter future.

At BringKids2Schools, we operate on a voluntary, pro-bono basis. Every donation goes directly to the school project and makes a significant difference to at least one child in Malawi.

Together, let's transform lives through education. Click “donate” to contribute and be part of this inspiring journey.

Thank you for your kindness and support.

dennisswiss .